Lion's Gate Celebration of Nature
The Lion's Gate Celebration of Nature competition is held every year in the fall by the Lion's Gate Camera Club.
Entries are accepted only from clubs and must conform to the rules of Nature photography (briefly: No 'hand of man', domestic animals or cultivated plants).
There are four categories in the competition:
01 - Botanical – subjects such as wildflowers, plants, trees, fungi and algae. Germinated and grown without human assistance.
02 - Nature – subjects such as animals, birds, insects, reptiles and marine subjects – under the control and feeding of humans if not obvious – such as zoos, game farms, animal preserves, aquarium, etc…
03 - Landscape – subjects such as weather phenomena, geological formations, landscapes, seascapes and natural phenomena planets, stars and astronomical events – no hand of man.
04 - Wildlife – ONLY living and untamed mammals, birds, insects, reptiles and marine subjects – no hand of man.
- Image size should be no more than 1400 pixels wide x 1050 pixels high, in JPEG file format and sRGB colour space.
- There are no restrictions on file size nor resolution.
2018: Results RPC Entries & Scores
2019: RPC Entries & Scores
2020: All competition entries (slide show)