Image Evaluations
The club hosts up to ten evaluation sessions in meetings during the year – usually one per month. We bring in experienced CAPA Certified judges who are members of other CAPA clubs in the lower mainland to offer constructive comments on our photography, as well as scoring each image based on the proficiency level of each member (Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced).
Most new members start at the Novice level 1, and advance from one level to the next according to the Image Evaluation Progression Policy.
Images are scored out of 10, and those achieving 8 or above are considered 'medallists' with bronze (8), silver (9) or gold (10).
While scores are relevant in helping members relate their photos to a standard and to measure their own progress, for the majority of members the most valuable aspects of an image evaluation night are the judge's comments and suggestions for improving an image or for different ways of approaching the subject.
For guidance on entering your photos in an evaluation, click on the 'Tips' icon below, and there read the documents 'Of Libraries and Galleries' and 'How to Submit Images to an RPC Evaluation'.
We recommend that you read soon all the documents on the Website Tips page (they are all short and to the point).
This year's medal winners...