RPC Volunteers
It is the members who volunteer that make our club what it is and keep things happening.
These are the roles and responsibilities that organise it all, and if any of them appeal to you, either to fill the role or to assist, please contact any one of the Executive team to offer your services.
Elected Directors:
This group (the Board), consisting of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director at Large, provides direction and oversight to the various committees and ensures that the club’s objectives are met.
Presides at meetings of the Club, Executive Committee or special Club meetings and events. Prepares the agendas for Executive Committee and the Annual General Meetings and other Club business meetings. May appoint a member of the Executive Committee to carry out the duties of the President, as circumstances require. May delegate work during the year to members of the Executive Committee.
Vice President:
Presides at meetings or assumes other executive responsibilities when requested by the President. Has a good working knowledge of all Club activities (assists in carrying out activities when required, uses his/her year as VP to learn more about how the club functions).
Keeps the minutes of Executive Meetings and Annual General Meetings and distributes them within one week after each meeting. Manages the routine correspondence tasks of the Club and arranges all room bookings for regular meetings and other occasions.
Receives membership fees and other revenues; is the custodian of all funds of the Club; prepares cheques for the payment of expenditures and maintains an itemized account of all receipts and expenses incurred.
Reports on the financial position of the Club at each Executive Committee meeting; prepares a financial statement and proposed budget for the AGM.
Positions Appointed by the Board
Membership Chair:
At the beginning of the Club year ensures that returning members complete the Membership Application/Renewal Form and issues membership cards after confirming with the Treasurer that appropriate fees have been paid. Ensures new members complete the Membership Application/Renewal Form and when fees are paid, issues membership cards and authorizes access to the website. Maintains and provides a “Welcome” information package for new Members and appropriate information items for Guests.
Maintains a membership list with addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses and provides an updated copy to the Executive Committee each month. Ensures 'Guest Sign-In Book' and members’ name tags are available at all meetings and public events. In the Treasurer’s absence, collects membership fees and issues receipts; forwards same to the Treasurer in a timely manner. Places advertisements regarding the Club in local newspapers and in camera shops prior to the commencement of the season and periodically during the Club year.
CAPA Liaison:
This role, which should be filled by a CAPA member, ensures that members of our club are kept informed of news and events relating to CAPA (Canadian Association for Photographic Art), and liaises with its District representative(s).
Competitions Chair:
Responsible for being aware of external competitions the Club and individual members might participate in. Responsible for soliciting member images and organizing the selection of member images for submission to external competitions, normally through the use of a selection committee of members.
Exhibits Chair:
Responsible for being aware of exhibits that the Club may participate in such as: Lansdowne, Arts Centre Rotunda, Thompson Community, Centre, City Hall. Responsible for soliciting prints from members and enlisting volunteers to carry out each exhibit.
Image Evaluation Chair:
The Chair is in charge of member image evaluations at club meetings, usually where a judge evaluates such images. The Chair prepares a list of images from members submitted for judging and arranges such images for viewing at the meeting according to the image format. The Chair records the scores received and announces the names of photographers whose images have received awards.
The Chair will maintain a registry of evaluated images, for future use by the Club website, external competitions and exhibitions. The chair selects the theme for evaluation evenings and selects and contacts judges.
Photo Projects Chair:
Responsible for being aware of city projects that the club may participate in and that might benefit the club directly or indirectly, such as the Maritime Festival of the Arts, Doors Open, the Resident Arts Group showcase. Responsible for soliciting images when required and for enlisting member participation in events.
Program Chair:
Is responsible for planning and arranging the Club’s events program. Identifies and organises resources and guest speakers, including club members.
Responsible for maintaining the club's website and providing support to the members using it, including appropriate documentation.