Remembering Ann Reiner, who died suddenly on December 11, 2019, this page is dedicated to her and shows some of the images she shared with us during her time in the club, many taken on her extensive travels with husband Dick
For many years Ann was a very active member serving as Director, co-chair of programming, organizer of our external exhibits, and liaison with the Arts Centre and City of Richmond.
In the words of one member:
"When I think of Ann two words come to mind: “indefatigable ebullience”, or more simply put: tireless, cheerful and full of energy. I have long been impressed by Ann’s dedication and hard work in whatever she undertook, be it child welfare, the arts in Richmond, and not least our photo club in organizing exhibits and our program. Further, when something needed to be done, or the club needed a representative, Ann would always step in to fill the breach – representing us at meetings with the City or the Resident Art Groups and more recently once again coming to the rescue of the Lansdowne show.
She has spoiled us by volunteering when others could not, or would not, and she remains an inspiration and example to us all of a selfless dedication and commitment on behalf of others and of what she believed to be important.
For one so tiny she leaves some awfully big shoes to fill. I hope that those who knew her, and benefitted from her energy, can come close to doing just that."