From the Association of Professors Emeriti (APE) – Newsletter, September 2015, a little more about Derek’s career in Medicine:
“Derek Applegarth is Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics. He is a career biochemist who ran a lab at Children’s hospital which diagnosed and was involved in the treatment of children with inherited metabolic diseases. He was a professor in the Departments of Pediatrics, Pathology and Medical Genetics until his retirement in 2003. He was Chair of the Board of the Canadian College of Medical Geneticists in 1989 and 1990 and participated in the founding and ongoing administration of the fellowship awards-program in Biochemical Genetics. He was awarded the Founders Award of the Canadian College of Medical Geneticists in 2000, and in 2015, the award of the Garrod Association (the Canadian group of professionals working on metabolic diseases in children). In UBC affairs he served on the Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and was a member of the Faculty executive, during which time he initiated the annual Applegarth Award for Outstanding Achievements by UBC staff. Now he is a practicing photographer and in APE affairs is a member of the Executive and serves on the Programs and Membership committees. He also organizes an active photography group for APE.”
Derek's Obituary (Published 19 August 2021 in the Vancouver Sun)