Published: March 12, 2025
New CAPA Certified Judges Congratulations to Paul Kiely and Jean-Marc Legentil who recently completed the Judge Certification Program and qualified as CAPA Certified Judges. You will find contact information Paul & Jean-Marc on the latest National Judges List. Work continues on the new judging course. A team of experienced judges and curriculum developers are updating lesson plans, building on the work done by those who created the original course. We are still on track for a fall 2025 launch. Watch for updates in upcoming newsletters. Photo: Déploiement De Pétales-Unfurling Petals by Diane Bérubé, Association des Photographes Artisans de Laval National Judges List The Judges List list has just been updated and can be accessed online.All CAPA Clubs have online access to the latest list of CAPA Certified Judges and CAPA Apprentice Judges. Log in to your club's account and go to Members > National Judges List. You must be logged in to your club's account to download the list. If you have questions or would like further information, please contact the Director of the Judging Program
The Winter Issue of Canadian Photography Magazine has recently arrived, full of informative and inspirational articles. Members tell us that this is one of the most valued benefits of membership in CAPA. Only Individual, Family and Honorary Members members receive the high quality, full colour print issue delivered to your home. This is just one of the many benefits you receive when you join CAPA. And don't forget that you must be an Individual Member or a registered Member of a CAPA Club to have your articles and photographs published in Canadian Photography Magazine. Photo: Nectar Detectors by Randall Peterman, Burnaby Photographic Society Joining the CAPA membership community is the best investment in your photography you can make.Join us now for a year filled with learning, fellowship, inspiration and fun.
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