CAPA March 2025 Monthly News

Published: March 12, 2025

CAPA Monthly News

Welcome to the March 2025 Issue of CAPA Monthly News. This newsletter is for members and friends of CAPA, keeping you up to date on all things CAPA for photographers all across Canada and beyond.

Volunteer Opportunity: Do you have experience in running Google Search Ad Campaigns or have an interest in learning? We are looking for a volunteer to help us spend our monthly Google ad budget. If this is you, contact our Communications Director Lyle Wetsch.

Photo: Glands D'Automne-Autumn Acorns by Marcel Rouillard, Association des Photographes Artisans de Laval

This is your second call for nominations to the Board. The 2025 AGM is May 7 in Calgary, AB. Nominations are open for the positions of President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.If you have experience, are interested in serving on the CAPA Board and would like more details, please email the Nominating Committee Chair. Nominations close April 1, 2025.

You can read this and all past newsletters online. Club representatives, do not forward this newsletter. Instead,go to the newsletter page, copy the link to the current newsletter and send the link to your club members.

Le saviez-vous ?Vous pouvez lire cette lettre d'information en français. Cliquez sur la lettre d'information pour l'afficher dans votre navigateur. En haut à droite, sélectionnez Traduire > Anglais. Puis, en haut à gauche, sélectionnez Traduire de l'anglais au français. Vous verrez alors la lettre d'information en français..

CAPA presents via YouTube Live: Dave Conlon March19

We're very excited to present our next speaker live on YouTube. Dave Conlon's' presentation is Anyox, BC – Travelling to Canada’s Largest Ghost Town.

Anyox, British Columbia is a true ghost town with a rich, hidden history.Once a bustling mining hub in the early 1900s, Anyox was abandoned in 1935 after a devastating fire and the Great Depression which drove down the demand for copper. Today, Anyox is a relic of the past, with crumbling buildings and rusted machinery frozen in time. In May of 2024, Dave of travelled across the country and visited Anyox with full, unlimited access to capture and photograph what is left of this forgotten piece of Canadian history.
Read more about Dave and view a few of his favourite images here.

The CAPA Speakers Series is a valued benefit of individual membership. All CAPA individual, family, youth and Honorary members are invited to attend this free online presentation. Members, go to the CAPA Website, log in, go to Members > Zoom & YouTube Live Invitation > Speakers Series, click to copy the YouTube link and have it handy in time for the meeting.

If you missed any of the Speaker Series presentations from previous years, or any of those presented this year, and are an Individual CAPA member, you can request a link to the recording from the CAPA Library. Log in and go to Members > Resources and fill in the request form. NOTE: Please bear with us as we move to a different way of sending you the links. The library is temporarily unavailable until we move everything over. Thanks for your patience.


Congratulations to the all the winners of the 2025 Fine Art Competition - Club.A total of 264 images were submitted by 46 CAPA clubs. This newsletter features some of the winning images from that competition. See them all here.

Thanks to our volunteer judges: Gilles Vezina, Jacques Mailloux, Cheryl Bramble, Beatrice Van Winden, Richard Robesco and Susan Olsen.

Photo: Coca Cola Can Reflection by Geoffrey Skirrow, Trillium Photographic Club Read the latest competition update here, which includes information on Identifying Generative AI Elements in Adobe-Edited Images.

Upcoming Competitions:


What's New this Month?
Bev Anne Moynham has written an new educational article on Why I Shoot in Colour. Accessible only to CAPA Individual Members, this article joins several other educational articles that will help you elevate your photography skills.

Photo: Beautiful BC by Raymond Chan, North Shore Photographic Society

Check out the Education section of the website for all the latest.
  • Mar 13:Image Editing Night- submit your image today and watch the demo on what the editing gurus will do to edit your image. All members are welcome even if you don't submit an image.Submission Form: Go to the CAPA Website, log in, then Members > Zoom & YouTube Live Invitation > Image Editing Nights
  • Mar 19: Speaker Series - Dave Conlon on Anyox, BC – Travelling to Canada’s Largest Ghost Town
  • Mar 20: Image Critique Night - send in your images for comments & critiques. Submission Form: Go to the CAPA Website, log in, then Members > Zoom & YouTube Live Invitation > Image Critique Nights.
  • Apr 10: Image Editing Night
Interested in joining the Education Committee or in contributing some content? Send an email to Director of Education Dan Sigouin.

CAPA Photo Salon 2025

Now Open For Submissions!

This prestigious event transcends traditional competitions, creating a global platform where photographers from diverse backgrounds converge to share their unique perspectives and style in photography.

Our inaugural salon was an extraordinary success, featuring over 4,300 photographs from entrants representing 45 countries across six continents. From Austria to Vietnam, both established masters and emerging talents united in a celebration of photographic excellence.

Photo: Mushroom Illuminaria by Anita Teljeur, CAPA Silver Medal

Join us this year as we continue to expand our global community of visual storytellers. Submit your work and become part of an international dialogue that honors photography in all its forms.

Why Participate?

  • Global Recognition – showcase your talent on an international stage
  • Professional Development – enhance your portfolio and artistic credibility
  • New Horizons – open doors to other salons, exhibitions, and publication
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an enthusiastic newcomer, your unique images deserve to be shared. Let your images join this worldwide celebration and help demonstrate the rich diversity of the photography community on the global stage. The 2025 Salon opened for submissions on February 15 and closes May 15.

Visit the Salon website to view all the 2024 Award images and the online catalogue.


New CAPA Certified Judges
Congratulations to Paul Kiely and Jean-Marc Legentil who recently completed the Judge Certification Program and qualified as CAPA Certified Judges. You will find contact information Paul & Jean-Marc on the latest National Judges List.

Work continues on the new judging course. A team of experienced judges and curriculum developers are updating lesson plans, building on the work done by those who created the original course. We are still on track for a fall 2025 launch. Watch for updates in upcoming newsletters.

Photo: Déploiement De Pétales-Unfurling Petals by Diane Bérubé, Association des Photographes Artisans de Laval

National Judges List
The Judges List list has just been updated and can be accessed online.All CAPA Clubs have online access to the latest list of CAPA Certified Judges and CAPA Apprentice Judges. Log in to your club's account and go to Members > National Judges List. You must be logged in to your club's account to download the list.

If you have questions or would like further information, please contact the Director of the Judging Program


Do you have social media links? If you do, just reply to this newsletter with your social links and we'll follow you and tag if we show your image. Or send your links directly to Kayla Stevenson, Director of Membership.

Photo: Squatters at the Old Grill by Judy Griffin, Etobicoke Camera Club

Ten-year Members
This month, we congratulate10-year members Bill Anderson of Surrey, BC, Doris Woudenberg of Etobicoke, ON and Philippe Lalande of Montreal, QC,all of whom first joined CAPA in 2015. Thank you for your loyalty, and your dedication to and support of photographic art in Canada.

FIAP Distinctions Submission April 1
CAPA is Canada’s representative to the Federation Internationale de L’Art Photographique (FIAP), which is a federation of approximately 86 international photographic organizations. Each year CAPA submits applications for some of its members to receive FIAP Distinctions. These Distinctions recognize an individual’s success in international photographic exhibitions with FIAP patronage. Read more to see if you qualify. The submissions will be sent in on April 1, 2025.


Club Directors & Officers Insurance
Building on the success of the liability insurance initiative for clubs, we are now working to implement the second phase of our insurance program, Directors and Officers Insurance.To qualify for this coverage, clubs MUST be registered as a non-profit association with the provincial and or federal government.

For CAPA to proceed with securing this insurance we will require a commitment from at least 25 clubs. Watch for an email in the next week or so asking for club commitments.

Photo: Chumb Pipe Smoker by Katherine Wong, Richmond Hill Camera Club

The Toronto Camera Club is proud to present the speaker line-up for the spring segment of the 2024/25Talking Photography Lecture Series, featuring four speakers. See the list of Upcoming Events below for dates and details.

Congratulations to the Jiahua Elilte Photography Association (JEPA) on the 10th anniversary of the club's formation. As part of the Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival, JEPA will celebrate with a special exhibition "Black and White Vision, Gorgeous World" from May 3 to 5.

This month we recognize three more CAPA clubs: Thanks for your many years of loyalty and continuing support of photography in Canada.

Got a club-related question, event to promote or idea to share? Join theCAPA Clubs Facebook Group.


Have You Joined CAPA Yet?

The Winter Issue of Canadian Photography Magazine has recently arrived, full of informative and inspirational articles. Members tell us that this is one of the most valued benefits of membership in CAPA.

Only Individual, Family and Honorary Members members receive the high quality, full colour print issue delivered to your home. This is just one of the many benefits you receive when you join CAPA. And don't forget that you must be an Individual Member or a registered Member of a CAPA Club to have your articles and photographs published in Canadian Photography Magazine.

Photo: Nectar Detectors by Randall Peterman, Burnaby Photographic Society

Joining the CAPA membership community is the best investment in your photography you can make.Join us now for a year filled with learning, fellowship, inspiration and fun.


Do you have an article or idea to share?Send an email today to our editor-in-chief Terry Tinkess.

Photo: Whatever You See by James Orcheson, Trillium Photographic Club

Content deadlines:
  • Summer Issue: April 10
  • Fall Issue: July 10
  • Winter Issue: October 10
Online Access: CAPA Club representatives, please log in to your club's account, go to the members section, download the PDF version of the magazine and send it your club members. Or better yet, encourage your club members to register as a Member of a CAPA Club to get direct access to their own digital copy of the magazine.
Whisky by Pierre Bourgault, Association des Photographes Artisans de Laval
Holy! by Pam Coons, Regina Photo Club
Here we feature upcoming CAPA events, CAPA club events where guests are invited, (some at no charge) and other events of interest to our photographic community.

Zone News & Education Opportunities From Across Canada

Education Opportunity: Many of our CAPA clubs offer opportunities for guests to attend meetings online or in-person, for a nominal fee or at no cost. This is an incredible educational opportunity for CAPA members everywhere to learn and grow, no matter where you live. Jump in and enjoy the chance to learn from some of the best presenters and educators across Canada.

Photo: Fields of Gold by Rejean Pitre, Photo Fredericton

Ontario Zone
Pacific Zone
  • The Abbotsford Photo Arts Club (APAC) is celebrating its 50thanniversary in 2025. "Plans have not yet been finalized as to how we will celebrate the occasion", says President Phil Dyer.
  • The Crescent Beach Photo Club is gearing up for its annual Black and White Print Competition. BC and Yukon clubs, get your prints submitted and plan to attend the exhibition and results evening on May 26, 2025.
Prairie Zone
  • The Prairie Zone is hosting a special speaker My Approach to Capturing Images with Don Campbell on March 13 at 5:00 PM Mountain Time. All are welcome to attend. Go here for more details and click on the link there to join the meeting.
  • Don't forget to get your images ready for the Prairie Zone Competition. For Zone members only. Deadline for submission is April 15.
Quebec Zone
Congratulations to all the winners of the Quebec Zone Competition.
Club winners (View all the club winning images here): Individual winners Novice (View all the individual winning images here):
  • Gold:Johanne Lemay, Repentigny, QC
  • Silver:Benoit Jubinville, Montreal, QC
  • Bronze:Jacques Dubord, St Hubert, QC
Individual winners Intermediate/Advanced:
  • Gold:Milan Cvijanovic, Montreal, QC
  • Silver:Karim Benkirane, Montreal, QC
  • Bronze:Arnaldo Ronca, Montreal, QC
Coupe du Québec: To recognize excellence the Zone will award the Coupe du Québec annually to an individual member and a member club. To determine the recipients, the Zone will count the scores obtained for individual members and for member clubs for CAPA competitions starting in October 2024 and ending in May 2025.


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